Anna Gharslyan, a gifted young contralto from Javakhk, the Armenian-populated region of Georgia, is embarking on a transformative journey to becoming a world-class opera singer. This rising star has achieved what many can only dream of—an acceptance into McGill University’s prestigious music program under the mentorship of the renowned voice teacher, Ms. Aline Kutan. To add to this remarkable achievement, Anna has been awarded a major scholarship from McGill, a rare honour for a first-year student. Today, we are thrilled to announce the establishment of the Haig & Virginia Misakyan Fellowship, an initiative to ensure Anna’s path to excellence remains unhindered.
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Recognizing Talent: Anna’s Inspiring Journey
Anna's distinctive and captivating contralto voice first caught the attention of the AAF during a cultural event in her hometown of Ninotsminda, a remote town in Javakhk. From that moment, we recognized her extraordinary talent as a gift deserving of unwavering support and development. Anna’s musical journey began with private lessons in Yerevan, Armenia, where her talent quickly gained attention. Over the years, she has earned accolades in music competitions across Armenia, Georgia, and even Italy, showcasing her potential to audiences and experts alike.
A pivotal moment in her career came in 2019 when Anna participated in the Zartonk Academy, our summer music academy that year in Vanadzor, Armenia. There, she met Ms. Aline Kutan, whose mentorship would later transform Anna’s artistic development. During her time in Armenia, Anna had the privilege of working with the celebrated artist Hasmik Papian, further enriching her growth and preparing her for the challenges ahead.
In 2023, Anna took a significant step toward her dreams by accepting our invitation to come to Canada on an SX-1 Student Visa to study with Ms. Kutan. Her incredible progress under Ms. Kutan’s guidance led to her acceptance at McGill University!
Introducing the Haig & Virginia Misakyan Fellowship
To support Anna on her journey, Mrs. Virginia Misakyan and her sons Daron and Hagop, have established the Haig & Virginia Misakyan Fellowship, a new initiative aimed at covering Anna’s tuition and living expenses during her studies. This Fellowship ensures that financial constraints will not hinder Anna’s pursuit of artistic excellence.
Since her arrival in Canada, Anna has received unwavering support from Ms. Aline Kutan, who graciously welcomed her into her home and provided unique learning opportunities by taking Anna to the lessons she teaches to her many outstanding students. Observing these sessions, in addition to her own private lessons with Ms. Kutan, allowed Anna to absorb invaluable insights and deepen her understanding of the art of singing.
Looking Ahead
We eagerly anticipate witnessing Anna’s continued growth and success as she hones her craft and reaches new heights in her career. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to Virginia Misakyan and her sons for their unwavering support, making this transformative journey possible.
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