The Governor of the Vayots Dzor region, Kolya Mikaelyan, recently attended a captivating concert showcasing the exceptional talents of our music studio students (supported by the Hall-Halepli Family Young Talents Fund) and our choir (supported by Donna and Greg Spendjian of Vancouver Island). Held at the Yeghegnadzor Cultural Center, the concert, titled From Komitas to Aznavour, was under the inspired artistic direction of Maro Simonyan, the center's director. πΆβ¨
Organized in honour of the 155th and 100th anniversaries of two towering figures in Armenian and global music, the evening featured moving performances by the students that left the audience spellbound. Through vivid presentations of moments from the lives of Komitas and Aznavour, the program inspired a profound reflection on the resilience of Armenian identity, the enduring power of national values, and the unwavering spirit that drives the path to success. ππ¦π²
We extend heartfelt thanks to Maro Simonyan for her tireless efforts and artistic vision in bringing this program to life. π Congratulations to the talented children for their inspiring performances, which demonstrated both skill and passion.
π΅ Our deepest gratitude goes to the Hall-Halepli Family and Donna and Greg Spendjian for their generous support, without which such an extraordinary evening would not have been possible. ππ